Cute ducks we don’t have in Amherst! I love their tufts when they hold their heads up! Bobbing along in calm and choppy waters.…
Rails, Common Moorhen
These little birds were very shy and I saw their rear ends more than their lovely beaks! Only fun to photograph in the sunlight,…
Egret in Bremen
Unusually freezing temperatures brought the Egret to the little bit of free water. For the first days of the frigid temperatures, 15°, a single…
The Eurasian Kingfisher
This bird is also known as the Common Kingfisher. In Germany it’s call an Eisvogel (Ice bird.) I was so surprised to actually see…
Great Crested Grebe in Bremen
Called the Haubentaucher (hooded diver) in German I had seen one of these in Denmark years ago, long before I was birding specifically. I…
Raptors in the sky
Lots of birds flying yesterday, most of them raptors. I went out looking for the Kestrels in the early afternoon, assuming I wouldn’t find…
Big Birds Flying Free
Red-tailed Hawk, Osprey, Eagle, Heron, and Swans The day started off with a Red-tailed Hawk high in a tree. I was far enough in…
Birds of Prey
Bird show with Tom Ricardi, rehabilitator and wildlife biologist from Conway, MA Tom is a wonderful presenter for adults and children alike. I loved…
The busy female American Kestrel
Big appetite, lots of variety In the hour + I spent watching her, she ate a mouse, a mole, a grasshopper or Katydid, and…
The male Kestrel with his mate
Today they were hanging out together again. Here are some portraits of this beautiful bird. The lady flew in with a tasty morsel and…