Aug 6th I got tired of looking for birds that weren’t there and it turns out that my amazing 400mm 2.8 lens also has…
What the Marsh yielded on a HOT mid-day
The birding was slow! I was about to give it up when a Kingfisher made a very brief appearance – about as long as…
The sweet Cedar Waxwings
These guys are everywhere I look these days. On a quiet overcast morning in Suffield, CT along the Windsor Locks Canal, we passed through…
What the garden yielded today
Aside from a lot of mosquitoes, there are beautiful flowers but very few insects. Year for year, and I have photos to prove this,…
Back on the Rail Trail
Just as I got to the marsh on the trail yesterday, a guy pedaling by on his bike said, “The Great Blue is posing…
Walking along the Connecticut River bank
This was a day with little birds. The Baltimore Oriole surveying the beautiful scene; the Cedar Waxwings with their ruby-pearled wingtips and yellow paint…
The Indigo Bunting, finally!
For the last 2 years, I’ve been hearing about Indigo Buntings. It became an obsession of mine to spot one. People saw them in…
A day of subdued lighting, Aug. 5
The garden flowers looked lovely this morning on this otherwise dreary day. The hummingbird moths were on full display. Late in the afternoon I…
At the marsh, everyone just hanging around
The Green and Great Blue Herons also just hanging about. The proverbial frog on the lily pad and the turtles on a log –…
Eagle Fledgling
Patience, bird watchers! I’m not going to fly today. The 3 Eaglets have fledged in the past weeks. I have only been able to…