Silvio Conte Conservation area, Hadley MA – home to many species! Such a beautiful flash of yellow in the meadow. For two years I…
Tag: nature shots
Neighborhood birds
Looking for the Bohemian Waxwings, I came across these other beauties. The Cardinal was sitting pretty waiting for me to take his picture. Around…
Cedar Waxwing, by the dozen
Turners Falls, MA Residential area with lots of berries and lots of Waxwings I went up looking for Bohemian Waxwings that had been seen…
Solstice Coyote
Coyote in the fields Not much to say about this except that there was a woman sitting watching the sunset and the coyote almost…
Wentworth Conservation Area
This is one of a couple of places in Amherst where I can reliably find Orchard Orioles. This is a lovely bird with its…
Honey Pot in Hadley
Blue Grosbeaks, Mockingbirds, Brown Thrashers, and a host of smaller birds. I’ve gone over there a couple of days and spotted the Blue Grosbeaks.…
The Mighty Little Kingfisher
Everyone loves to watch these little guys fish. The Kingfisher either perches from a branch above the water until he spies a meal or…
Great Crested Grebe in Bremen
Called the Haubentaucher (hooded diver) in German I had seen one of these in Denmark years ago, long before I was birding specifically. I…
Swans and 6 Cygnets
Baby swans are growing up! May 23, 2022 A week later A month later, residing deep in the reeds September 3, feeding and enjoying…
A couple of weeks with Northern Mockingbirds!
Lots of mockingbird nestlings, fledglings, and angry parents about just now. My story begins in Nyack NY, where a ripe plum in a playground…