
Spring ducks in Western MA

Wood ducks are one of the main attractions of the early spring in this neighborhood. My favorite places to see them are Forest Park in Springfield and Fannie Stebbins in Longmeadow.

Mirror images aren’t always so clear or so flattering.

The next ones are maybe more fun though. Like funhouse mirrors.

And here are some more portraits of this exquisite bird.

The Ringed-neck ducks usually hang out in large groups but this year there were just a lot of pairs on their own. It seems like they should be called ringed-billed but if you look closely there is a brown ring on their neck as well.

The Green-winged Teals are beautiful. They spent about a week along the Norwottuck Rail Trail in Amherst.

And then, also on the Rail Trail, there was as beautiful pair of Common Mergansers one day. Now if she doesn’t sport the best hair style, I don’t know who does! And he was having nothing of the 2 Mallards who encroached on their peaceful afternoon.

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