Migrating through Massachusetts For several years, the Sandhill Cranes have been spending a few days here and there in Western Massachusetts during their annual…
Category: Western Massachusetts Birding
A collection of blog posts related to bird photography in Western Massachusetts.
Eastern Bluebirds
Flying, eating, feeding I remember many years ago, before I was interested in photographing birds, seeing a flash of amazing blue fly right past…
A Baltimore Oriole Bonanza
Strikingly beautiful birds! There seem to be more Baltimore Orioles this year than in any of the other years I’ve been watching. Everywhere I…
Great Blue Herons
Several visits with the Norwottuck Rail Trail this spring. Watching a Heron fish takes patience. They have endless patience, it seems, and will stand…
The past two days of birding
Mulberry tree birds Day one: so many different species drawn to the berries. Baltimore Orioles are almost as ubiquitous this summer as robins or…
Baltimore Oriole nest
Two fledglings leave the nest I had been watching this nest off and on for about a week. I decided I should check again…
Recent pictures
These are just some pictures I haven’t posted yet. First, there was a starling nest in my maple tree earlier last month. Riding my…
A Rookery in West Springfield
Herons and Pileated Woodpeckers This was certainly the most exciting birding moment of the spring! A birding companion had been there to see the…
Killdeer with babies! Kill-bambies? I just stumbled on these guys – so cute! They were running all over the place causing their parents all…
The Bald Eagles, Ospreys, Cormorants, and yes, Swans and cygnets
Bald Eagles flying around. There are a couple of nesting pairs of Bald Eagles in the neighborhood. We have many opportunities for photographing them.…