This spectacular bird sports the typical woodpecker red on its head and spots on its front, but the tail feathers and underwing feathers are…
The Northern Flicker
The female Northern Harrier
Not a summer bird around these parts, what fun to see them back this week, although it’s possible that there is just this one…
Little Sandpipers in the flooded fields.
I can’t say now which of these were the Greater and which the Lesser Yellowlegs. Hanging out next to each other it was obvious…
Egrets, Snowy and Great
Last year this time there were often well over 20 Great Egrets roosting in the trees in Longmeadow, MA at the Fanny Stebbins wildlife…
The beautiful wood ducks!
Among the beautiful ducks of this continent, the fairly common wood duck is still a standout! The males are back in their beautiful colors…
Green Heron celebration!
I spent 45 minutes this evening following a couple of Green Herons around the marsh, just enjoying their shenanigans. Life is earnest for them;…
Gull baby demanding food – how cute!
Looking down from the deck of the house at low tide, I saw a gull drop a crab on the rocks and fly down…
It’s time to haul out the real sunset shots from this week
Watching the sunset from the deck with a camera in hand or from inside the bug-free comfort of the living room in the house…
Sunset on Cape Split
The week started out with lots of fog, great for eerie photographs of the many islands in the bay but not so good at…