These are just some pictures I haven’t posted yet.
First, there was a starling nest in my maple tree earlier last month.

Riding my bike on the trail behind Amherst College, a Bluebird practically flew right into me. There are Bluebird boxes in the field and I saw 3 males foraging in the bushes. Unfortunately, most of the boxes have since been taken over by swallows.

As a change of pace, when no birds were around, I took pictures of these dragonflies in the swamp.

Flycatcher are so much fun to watch, especially in the evenings. They fly up several times a minute to catch a small fly, return to their perch for a second and off they go again. This is a Phoebe, I believe. (In the 4th picture you can clearly see the size of the little flies.)

I’ve posted a few Red-winged Blackbird photos, but they pose so nicely, I thought I would include these newer shots here.

From early May, here are two male Northern Flickers seen at Forest Park, Springfield. I followed the one hunting in the grass up into the tree. Soon after he landed, another male came in for a bit of a crash landing and stayed for a quick visit before heading off again.